Abhinay Sir : Time And Work Download (PDF)


Abhinay Sir : Time And Work Download (PDF)

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Abhinay Maths : Time And Work Download (PDF)

Dear readers, you all know that part of the numerical suitability is very important. Therefore, we are giving you quiz questions of 15 questions that are numerical elegance. Solve all these quiz daily so that you can increase your speed and accuracy. We will provide you with many other numerical Qualities questions. So that you can solve them according to the course.

Q1. John does 1/2 piece of work in 3 hours, Joe does 1/4 of the remaining work in 1 hour and George finishes remaining work in 5 hours. How long would it have taken the three working together to do the work?
जॉन 3 घंटे में 1/2 काम पूरा करता है, जोए शेष कार्य का ¼ 1 घंटे में पूरा करता है और जॉर्ज शेष कार्य को 5 घंटे में पूरा करता है. उसी कार्य को तीनो को एकसाथ पूरा करने में कितना समय लगेगा?
(a) 2(1/4) hours
(b) 3(1/7) hours
(c) 3(8/11) hours
(d) 2(8/11) hours

John:   1/2 work → 3 hours
Full work → 6 hours
Joe:     Remaining work = 1-1/2=1/2
1/4×1/2 work →1 hour
Full work → 8 hours
George: Remaining work = 1/2-1/8=(4-1)/8=3/8
3/8 work → 5 hours
Full work → 40/3 hours
Working together they will do the work in⇒1/6+1/8+3/40⇒(20+15+9)/120
⇒44/120⇒11/30⇒30/11⇒2(8/11) days

Q2. The daily wages of A and B respectively are Rs. 3.50 and Rs. 2.50. When A finishes a certain work, he gets a total wage of Rs. 63. When B does the same work, he gets a total wage Rs. 75. If both of them do it together what is the cost of the work?
A और B के दैनिक मजदूरी क्रमशः 3.50रु और 2.50रु हैं. जब A एक कार्य को पूरा करता है उसे कुल मजदूरी के रूप में 63रु प्राप्त होते हैं. जब B उसी कार्य को पूरा करता है तो उसे 75रु कि कुल मजदूरी प्राप्त होती है. यदि वे दोनों इसे एकसाथ करते हैं, तो कार्य कि लागत क्या है?
(a) Rs. 67.50
(b) Rs. 27.50
(c) Rs. 60.50
(d) Rs. 70.50

Total work of A = 63/3.50 = 18 days
Total work of B = 75/2.50 = 30 days
Efficiency of A + B = 1/18+1/30=(5+3)/90=8/90=4/45
(A + B) will finish the work in = 45/4 days
Wages of A = 45/4 × 3.50= 39.375 Rs.
Wages of B = 45/4 × 2.50= 28.125
Total wages of (A + B) = 39.375 + 28.125= 67.50 Rs.

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