Maths Abhinay Number System Practice Sets Paper Download


Maths Abhinay Number System Practice Sets Paper Download

Hy Friends, आपको Abhinay Sir की Profit And Loss,Simple Interest , Time and Work के Pdf के बाद आज हम आपके लिए Abhinay Sir के Number System Practice Sets Paper का Pdf लेकर आये हैं , आशा है आपको हमारी Series पसंद आ रही होंगी | SSC CGL के Mains के लिए आपके पास काफी कम समय बचा है हम आपको प्रतिदिन Study Material दे रहे हैं | साथ ही हम आपको भविष्य में SSC CGL के Mock Test देंगे | लगातार सम्पर्क बनाये रखने के लिए हमारा App जरुर Download कर ले , जो Playstore पर उपलब्ध है या आप उसे हमारी वेबसाइट के सबसे नीचे जाकर Download कर सकते हैं |

Must Read :

Abhinay Sharma : Abhinay Maths Study Material


Note : Pdf Books का Print Out अवश्य निकलवा ले , हम आपको सभी chapters के Pdf देने वाले हैं , जुड़े रहे हमारे साथ !!

Abhinay Sir : Number System PDF LIVE :

Maths Abhinay Number System Practice Sets Paper Download – Click Here

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  1. Sir how to solve these problems

    If 100! divisible by 3^n
    then find the maximum
    value of n.

    (a) 48 (b) 44
    (c) 40 (d) 33
    24. If 122! is divisible by 6^n
    then find the maxi-
    mum value of n.

    (a) 58 (b) 62
    (c) 40 (d) 48

  2. Q: If 100! divisible by 3^n then find the maximum value of n.

    (a) 48 (b) 44
    (c) 40 (d) 33

    Solution: 100 is the multiple of 2 and so the occurrence of two will be high. so if occurrence of 2 > 3 so will will find the occurrence of 3.

    we are doing this because we cannot brake 3 in factors if we could then we can take the higher factor of 3

    3 100
    3 33
    3 11
    3 3

    now if you sum 33+11+3+1 the you will get 48 as the power of 3. So we can say that the maximum power of 3^n is 48

    Q: If 122! is divisible by 6^n then find the maximum value of n.

    (a) 58 (b) 62
    (c) 40 (d) 48

    Solution: Now see we can brake 6 into 3*2 so 3 is a higher factor of 6 now find the occurrence of 2 in 122

    2 122
    2 61
    2 30
    2 15
    2 7
    2 3

    Sum these 61+30+15+7+3+1=117 now divide 117 by 4 you will get 58 as a answer.

    Please follow Abhinay Sir videos on youtube for better understanding.

अपना जवाब लिखें

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