One Word Substitution PDF Download For Comptetive Exams


One Word Substitution PDF Download For Comptetive Exams

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One Word Substitution PDF

अगर आप बिना Download किये भी One Word Substitution In English पढना चाहते हैं तो हम आपको नीचे 150 One Word Substitution Words उपलब्ध करा रहे हैं जिन्हें आप पढ़ सकते हैं |

1. Abattoir : कसाईखाना => Place where animals are killed for food.
2. Abbot : मठाधीश => A man who is the head of a monastery or an abbey.
3. Abbreviation : संक्षिप्त => A shortened form of a word or phrase.
4. Abdication : अक्षधकार त्याग => Voluntarily renouncement the throne by a king or To
formally give up.
5. Ablution : धाक्षमिक स्नान => Ritual washing of the body.
6. Ablaut :अपश्रुक्षि => A vowel change that accompanies a change in grammatical functions.
7. Aborigines : मुलक्षनवासी => Original Inhabitants of a country.
8. Abstruse : अव्यक्त => Hard to understand.
9. Abundance : प्रचुरिा => A quantity that is more than enough.
10. Accentuate : पर ज़ोर दें => Give more force or importance to.
11. Acclimatize : वािावरण के अनुसार डल जाना => To habituate oneself in new culture.
12. Accesssible : उपलब्ध => Which can be approached.
13. Accismus : इनकार => Pretended refusal of something desired.
14. Accomplice : साथी => Helper in a wrong deed or crime

15. Acrolect : उच्च भाक्षिका => A variety of language that is closest to a standard main
16. Acronym : पररवणी शब्द => Word formed from initial letters of a name
17. Addendum : पररक्षशष्ट => Thing to be added at the end of a book, etc.
18. Advertisement :क्षवज्ञापन => A public notice offering or asking for goods, services, etc.
19. Agenda :घ़ोिणा पत्र => Items of business for consideration at a meeting.
20. Afforestation : वऩोऱोपन => the act of forestation by planting many trees.
21. Agnosticism : ज़ो ईश्वर के अस्तित्व पर संका करे => Doubtful about the existence about
22. Aggressor : आक्रमणकिाि => One who commits the first act of attack, offence and hostility.
23. Allegpry : क्षवरक्था => Story in which ideas are symbolized as people.
24. Alien : गेर नागररक => One who lives in a country without citizenship.
25. Alliteration : अनुप्रास => Commencement of adjacent words with the same letter.
26. Alimony : िलाक पचिाि की जीवन वृक्षि => Allowance fixed after divorce to a wife.
27. Alphabetism : The expression of spoken sounds by an alphabet.
28. Altruist : पऱोपकारी => A lover of One’s own self.
29. Amateur : गेर पेशेवर => One who does a thing for pleasure but not a profession.
30. Ambassador : राजदूत => A diplomatic representative of one country in another
31. Ambidextrous : द़ोऩों हाथ़ो से क्षनपुण => One who can use either hand with ease in working
or writing.
32. Ambiguous :अस्पष्ट / द़ो अथो वाला => That can be interpreted in any way.
33. Amnesia : क्षवस्मरण => Partial or total loss memory.
34. Amnesty : अपराधसमा => A general pardon of political offenders.

35. Amphibian : उभयचर =>Animal which live both in sea of on land.
36. Amphitheatre : रंगभूक्षम => A designated section of seats in any part of a theater.
37. Anarchist : अराजक => One who wishes to all established government, laws and order.
38. Anecdote : क्षकस्सा => Short amusing story about some real person or event.
39. Anonymous :गुमनाम => A book or a work of art whose author is not known.
40. Antagonist : क्षवऱोधी => A person who opposes another.
41. Antitode : जहर- नाशक => A medicine to save the effect of poison.
42. Aphasia : वाचाघाि => Loss of ability to understand speech.
43. Apostate : धमि त्यागी => One who abandons his religious faith.
44. Aquatic : जलीय => An animals which live in water.
45. Arbitrator, Arbiter : मध्यस्थ => A person chosen by quarreling parties to settle their
46. Archaeology : पुराित्व क्षवज्ञान => The study of ancient civilizations.
47. Archive : लेखागार => A place where government or public records are kept.
48. Aristocracy : कुलीन => A government by the nobles.
49. Artist : कलाकार => One who practices one of the fine arts.
50. Ascetic : सन्यासी => A person who world and devotes himself to a strictly devout life,
torturing the body for the good of the soul.
51. Assassination : राजनेक्षिक कारण से हत्या => A person who kills somebody especially for
political reasons.
52. Assist : मदद करना => To bear a hand.
53. Astronomy :खग़ोल शास्त्र => Science of heavily bodies such as sun, moon, stars and

54. Astrology :ज्य़ोक्षिि शास्त्र => Science of the influence of the stars on the human affairs.
55. Atheist : नास्तिक => A person who does not believe in the existence of God.
56. Audience : श्रोता गण => An assembly of listeners.
57. Auditor : लेखा पररष्क => One who makes an official examination of accounts.
58. Autobiography : आत्मजीवनी => The life history of a man written by himself.
59. Autocracy :अक्तन्त्र => A government by one person.
60. Autopsy : शव क्षप्रस््ण => Examination of a dead body.
61. Avaricious : लालची => One who is greedy.
62. Bachelorhood :कु वारापन => State of being Unmarried.
63. Bankrupt : क्षदवाक्षलया => One who can not pay the debt.
64. Bay : खाड़ी => A Part of sea.
65. Beach : समुन्द्र तट => A stretch of sand / stones along the edge of the sea.
66. Bellicose : लड़ाकू => A person who is fond of fighting.
67. Belligerents : युद्धरि = >Nation engaged in war.
68. Benefactor : दान देनेवाला => One who gives financial help to a school.
69. Bibliophile : पुिक प्रेमी => One who loves to collect books.
70. Biennial : द्विविवाह => Happening every second every year
71. Bigamy : द्विविवाह की प्रथा => Have two husband or two wifes at a time.
72. Bigot : कट्टर => One who is filled with narrow and prejudiced opinion.
73. Bilingual : द्विभाषिक => One who can speak two language.
74. Besiege : घेर लेना => To surround a place with the intention of capturing it.

75. Biography : जीवनी => Life History of a person written by someone else..
76. Biology : जीव विज्ञान => Study of living organisms.
77. Biped : द़ोपाया => Animal having two feet.
78. Blasphemy : ईश – निंदा => Speaking disrespectfully about sacred or religious
79. Bliss : चरमसुख => perfect happiness.
80. Bohemian : स्वेचाधारी => One who does not follows the usual norms of social things.
81. Bookworm : किताबी  कीड़ा => One who devotes full time in studying course books.
82. Boorish : गवांर => Person who is rough and ill mannered.
83. Botany : वनस्पति विज्ञान => The science of vegetable life.
84. Bottleneck : अवऱोध => A situation that stops an activity from progressing.
85. Bovine :गोजातीय  => Cow- Like.
86. Bravery : वीर =>A place where wine is made.
87. Brittle : भंगुर => A thing which can be easily broken.
88. Bureaucracy : ऩोकरशाही => A government by the Officials.
89. Cabaret : काबरे => A series of cabre dance/ acts at a night club.
90. Cabby : टेक्सी चालक => The driver of a taxi cab.
91. Cacography : अशुघ्द वर्तनी => A person who is bad in spelling.
92. Cacophony : कोलाहल => Harsh sound.
93. Cajole : खुशामद करना => Persuade by flattery.
94. Calligraphy : सुलेखन => The art of beautiful handwriting, elegant penmanship.
95. Cannibal : नरभक्षी => One who eats human flesh.

96. Capsize : पलटना => Overturn in water.
97. Carnage : हत्याकांड => Killing of large numbers of people.
98. Cartographer : मानक्षचत्रकार => A person who draws maps and charts.
99. Cartography : मानचित्र कला => Art of map making.
100. Casino : जुआघर => A place where gambling is practice.
101. Cataclysm : पानी की बाढ => Sudden and violent change.
102. Catalogue : पुिक सूक्षच => List of books and articles.
103. Celibate : ब्र्हचारी => One who has taken a vow not to have sex.
104. Cemetery : कब्रिस्तान => The place for corpses to be buried.
105. Centenary : शिाब्दी =>Hundredth Anniversary .
106. Centipede : कनखजूरा => An insects with many legs.
107. Centrifugal, Centripetal : केंद्र की ओर जानेवाला => Anything tending to move towards centre.
108. Chronological : समय के क्रमानुसार => According to sequence of time.
109. Circumstantial : संयोग का => Clues available at a scene.
110. Circumlocution : कपटपूर्ण बातें => A roundabout way of expression.
111. Claustrophobia => An extreme fear of being in a small confined place.
112. Cloakroom : माल ग़ोदाम => The place for luggage at a railway station.
113. Coerce : मजबूर करना => Compel to a course of action.
114. Colleagues : सहकमी => Person working in the same department.
115. Collusion : कपट संक्षध => Secret agreement for a fraudulent purpose.
116. Comouflage : छु प जाना => That which makes it difficult to recognise the presence or real nature of somebody or something.

117. Condolence : सहानुभूति => Expression of sympathy.
118. Conflagration : अग्निकांड => Huge destructive fire .
119. Congenital : ज़ो जन्म ही से ह़ो => Belongs to a person by birth.
120. Congregation : धमि संगति => Gathering of worshippers.
121. Congruent : सवािगसम => Identical in all respect.
122. Conscription : अक्षनवायि सेक्षनक सेवा => Compulsory enlistment for military or others
123. Contagious : संक्रामक => A disease which spread by physical touch and contact.
124. Contemporary : समकालीन => A person born or living at the same time as another.
125. Connoisseur : कला का परखी => One who is well versed in any subject, a critical judge
of any part, particularly fine arts.
126. Contiguous : समीपस्थ => Two countries or states whose frontier touch.
127. Contrite : पछताया हुआ => Showing deep sorrow for wrong doing.
128. Constellation : नक्षत्र => A number of stars group together.
129. Contemporaries : समकालीन => Persons living at the same time.
130. Convalescence : पुन : स्वास्थ्य प्रास्तप्त के बाद => e period of gradual recovery of health
after illness.
131. Conventicle : गुप्त => Secret and illegal religious meeting.
132. Coqette : क्षदलिें क मक्षहला => A seductive woman who uses her sex appeal to exploit men.
133. Coronation : राज तिलक => Ceremony of crowning a king.
134. Cosmopolitan : विश्ववादी => A person who regard the whole world as his
135. Credulous : विश्रंभी => One who is simple and easily believes whatever is toldO.

136. Crematory : श्मशान घाट => The place for corpses to burnt.
137. Cripple : अपंग बनाना => Someone who is unable to walk normally because of an injury
or disability to the legs or back.
138.. Crusade : धर्मयुद्ध => A war of religions.
139. Curfew : कर्फ्यू => Bells rung in the church in the evening.
140. Cynosure : ऋक्ष => a centre of attraction .
141. Dead Letter : बेकार पत्र => An unclaimed letter.
142. Demagogue : दुर्जनों का नेता => Political leader who deliver sentimental speeches.
143. Democracy => A government by the people, of the people and for the people.
144. Denizen => A person, an animal or a plant that lives, grows or is often found in a
particular place.
145. Depraved : भ्रष्ट => Morally bad or evil.
146. Deprecate : क्षवऱोध करना => Express earnest disapproval of.
147. Dermatology: त्वचा विज्ञान => The medical study of the skin and its diseases.
148. Despondancy : निराशा => Loss of complete hope.
149. Dereliction : कर्तव्य का त्याग => Failing to discharge one’s duty.
150. Destitution : अभाव => Lacking basic necessities of life.

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