Idioms And Phrase PDF Download For All SSC CGL CHSL Steno CPO [English & Hindi]


Idioms And Phrase PDF Download For All SSC CGL CHSL Steno CPO [English & Hindi]

Idioms And Phrase PDF Download : HY Friends! आशा है कि आप अपने आने वाले Exams की तैयारियों में लगे हुए होंगे| यदि आप SSC Exams की तैयारी कर रहे है तो आज आप के लिए एक अति महत्वपूर्ण PDF लेकर आये है जिससे आप अपनी परीक्षा में अच्छे अंक प्राप्त प्राप्त कर सकते है| आज हम आप को Idiomss And Phrase का PDF देने जा रहे है जो English & Hindi Meaning में Provide करा रहे है| जिससे आप Both Language English & Hindi में Idioms & Phrase A to Z 1000+ PDF Download कर पढ़ सकते है| यह Idioms & Phrase Topic जैसा कि आप जानते है कि SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC MTS, SSC CPO सभी Pre Exams में कम से कम 3-4 Marks आप इसी Topic से प्राप्त कर सकते है और SSC CGL, SSC CPO के Mains एग्जाम में 10-15 Marks तक आप Idioms Phrase से पा सकते है| और Idioms Phrase SSC Steno में भी आपको 10 marks दे सकता है|

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Important Idioms & Phrase For SSC CGL : 

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  • A dark horse
  1. an unforeseen competitor
  2. a Black horse
  3. a nightmare
  4. an unknown person
  • To run across
  1. to have a an appointed meeting
  2. to meet by chance
  3.  to run in the playground
  4. to run very fast
  • To get one’s own back
  1. to get one’s revenge
  2. to get control over someone
  3. to get one’s position back
  4. to get hold of someone
  • To steer clear of
  1. drive carefully
  2. avoid 
  3. explain clearly
  4. escape
  • To beat a retreat
  1. to withdraw in defeat or humiliation
  2.  to withdraw after scoring a victory
  3. to march back after a ceremonious parade
  4. to run away in fear
  • To blaze a trail
  1. to lead the way as a pioneer
  2. to light a track
  3. to set up a fire
  4. to wear a blaze while running
  • Red-letter day
  1. a colorful day
  2. fatal day 
  3. happy and significant day
  4. hapless day
  • Have the last laugh
  1. Be of a cheerful nature
  2. laugh only after understanding something
  3.  to be victorious at the end of an argument
  4.  to crack the final joke
  • Turn a deaf ear
  1. disregard 
  2. defy
  3. disobey 
  4. dismiss
  • To smell a rat
  1. to experience bad smell
  2.  to misunderstanding
  3. to see a hidden meaning
  4. to suspect a trick.
  • To Take to heart
  1. to be encouraged
  2. to grieve over
  3. to like
  4. to hate
  • Yeomen’s service
  1. medical help 
  2. excellent work
  3. social work
  4. hard work
  • To face the music
  1. to enjoy a musical recital
  2. to bear the consequence
  3. to live in a pleasant atmosphere 
  4. to have a difficult time
  • To put up with
  1. to accommodate
  2. to adjust 
  3. to understand 
  4. to tolerate
  • To Call it a day
  1. to conclude proceedings
  2. to initiate proceedings
  3. to work through the day
  4. None of the above 
  • A damp squib
  1. rainy weather
  2. a disappointing result
  3. a skirt in a laundry
  4. None of the above
  • In Cold Blood
  1. angrily
  2. deliberately
  3. excitedly
  4. slowly
  • To take someone for a ride
  1. to give a ride to someone
  2. to deceive someone
  3. to be indifferent
  4.  to disclose a secret
  •  To move heaven and earth
  1. to cause an earthquake 
  2.  to try everything possible
  3. to pray to all Gods
  4. to travel in a rocket
  • A bolt Form the blue
  1. a delayed event
  2.  an inexplicable event
  3. an unexpected event
  4. an unpleasant event
  • Cold comfort
  1. absurdity
  2. deception
  3. slight satisfaction
  4. foolish proposal

Important Idioms & Phrase For SSC CGL Exam  Pdf

  • Name: Important Idioms & Phrase For SSC CGL Exam PDF 
  • Credit: Online Mentor
  • Language: English
  • Formate: PDF
  • Pages: 25

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